March 7, 2004

Luke 13:31-35

Just then some Pharisees came up and said, "Run for your life! Herod's on the hunt. He's out to kill you!"

Jesus said, "Tell that fox that I've no time for him right now. Today and tomorrow I'm busy clearing out the demons and healing the sick; the third day I've wrapping things up. Besides, it's not proper for a prophet to come to a bad end outside Jerusalem.

Jerusalem, Jerusalem, killer of prophets,
abuser of the messengers of God!
How often I've longed to gather your children,
gather your children like a hen,
Her brood safe under her wings –
but you refused and turned away!
And now it's tool late. You won't see me again
until the day you say,
'Blessed is he
who comes in
the name of God.'"

<The Message>

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1. The powers that try to silence us are very foxy. Their best trick is to get us to self-censor ourselves. Some of us are more sensitive to one kind of restraint and some of us to another. This is good news for no one kind or designer combination of attempts at quieting the presence of GOD will ultimately triumph. Someone will not respond to the threats to be stifled. It may even be that in today's world that you are called to ignore the threats to your so-called life.

2. How do we get around the threats to our ego, our wealth, and our reputation? We have a purpose larger than the threat. What freedom when we make no bones about not having time for responding fearfully! Healing by emptying and filling is simply too exciting to worry about how someone else is responding.

What are you doing to hold your attention away from threats? If your response to that question is questionable, it would be helpful to hie ye hence to a Spiritual Director or the Wilderness until your purpose is cleared and filled.

3. Here are two more contemporary songs that may give insight into Jesus' lack of fear:
Old Devil Time by Pete Seeger and
I Ain't Afraid by Holly Near.

Try them and see if they assist you in sticking to your meaning in life.