Job 38:1-11
Proper 7 (12) - Year B
Confronted with overweening force or entrapping questions we have decisions to make.
Do we do what we can do? Palestinians with stones against Israelis with tanks, occupied Iranians against armored Americans, David against Goliath? Against all reason we claim a place that is not put down and dismissed. We will be meaningful, even in defeat. We will not go into that good night.
Do we eventually give in, claiming that it took us awhile to get it but now we are willing to succumb to the power arrayed against us. Once having redefined our relationship we can redefine everything else to perceive that war is peace, that we have more now than we ever did, that our new family and circumstance is ever so much better than the old.
Where is wisdom in these days? How far will we go to hold the integrity of an intention for all to work together for good? How far will we go to care for the least? How far will we go to claim our experience as a viable alternative to everyone else's tradition?
All too often David would get assassinated by a death squad before even making it to the brook to pick up one stone. All too often it is Eliphaz and Bildad and Zophar that make the big bucks. And so it is difficult to maintain our listening to a still small voice that allows us to go ahead. What implacability are you facing and what are you going to do about it?
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Job 38:1-11 or 1 Samuel 17:(1a, 4-11, 19-23), 32-49
Psalm 9:9-20 or Psalm 107:1-3, 23-32
2 Corinthians 6:1-13
Mark 4:35-41
Open wide your heart, let's go to the other side where we will be in the presence of mystery and openly challenge impossible situations. In so doing, praises will be sung and thanks given.
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open wide your heart
let's go to the other side
in the presence of mystery
open challenge will be given
to impossible situations
in so doing
praises will be sung
thanks given.