Psalm 48

Proper 9 (14) - Year B

Let us ponder the steadfast love of G*D. It is strong enough to cause panic in the plans of the high and lifted up. Simply seeing steadfast love (whatever the venue) is to participate in the beauty of life and beauty will last.

Ponder on this long enough to see that the assembled powers do have their day, but no more. They squabble among themselves and bring one another down - like the story of the caterpillars at the pole scrambling on top of one another to unsuccessfully ascend. It turns out it takes the beauty of metanoia to be able to circumvent the ladder-climbing by flutter-bying.

After thus pondering for sufficient time we can begin to walk around this miracle of steadfast love and see that there is room enough to accommodate all.

Pray your love will be in the image of G*D, steadfast. This is our secret weapon that is no weapon.



Psalm 48 or Psalm 123
2 Samuel 5:1-5, 9-10 or Ezekiel 2:1-5
2 Corinthians 12:2-10
Mark 6:1-13

To keep us from being too inflated or elated we are given a thorn - hometown. Here people changed our diapers. Here people saw the bad haircut we gave ourself. Here errors in judgment as we moved through the stages of life are laughed about every holiday. Here people join in expecting to honor a conquering hero to return home.

Out of his own experience at Nazareth, Jesus sends out the twelve and ourselves. They and we find places as humbling as a hometown and new places that become our hometown.

Whether needing refuge and defense or providing such (opportunity for repentance), we stretch our walk with G*D to include folks for whom we are a thorn and folks who are a thorn for ourselves. Mutuality is not just support, but also correction.

= = = = = = =

in season or out
learning is in order

learning to live
without surprises

we will receive
hometown adulation

along with
hometown rejection

both are unrealistic
no surprise here

caught up to seventh heaven
or caught on a thorn

in season or out
teaching is in order



So far this week it is Jerusalem 2: Nazareth 1. This is where the power lies and thus the story.

Regarding power there is positive power with Jerusalem and negative power at Nazareth. There is the power to build up and the power to tear down. Either way power is power.

Jerusalem is forever while Nazareth may have a moment or two.

It is really no contest between Jerusalem and Nazareth.

Now, expand this past geography to metaphor and mind-set. Where would you rather live? — Jerusalem, where G*D is? Nazareth, where Jesus isn’t? Are you not already living there, regardless of where you are physically?

Power and protection, what could be better? Culturally we are fated to adore Jerusalem and to scorn Nazareth. Religiously it is a toss-up. Pentecostally we will hear the wind more quickly in closed-in Nazareth.