Psalm 71:1-14
"Holy Week" Tuesday - Years A, B, C
Listen in on the disciples as they continue trying to make sense of life as it swirls about them.
“We don’t know how Jesus does it. He keeps talking about dying and yet there was Sunday’s parade. We were a bit apprehensive with all his Jerusalem death talk. This may be a place of refuge for him.”
“Whew! Dying here must be more of his incomprehensible parabolic language. So let’s get back on track to shift the power balance so we can rescue Jerusalem and instruct the Romans, “Begone!”, and demand the priests stop their current propping up of the state.”
“I continue to hope all the talk of resurrection will fade away. After all, that would first entail dying. What we need is for a simple revolution to take place so our gifts for leadership will be duly noted.”
“G*D has delivered us from Jesus’ fantasy of dying because of the way he has lived. Palms! Hosannas! We’re good!”
“We don’t know how Jesus does it. He keeps talking about dying and yet there was Sunday’s parade. We were a bit apprehensive with all his Jerusalem death talk. This may be a place of refuge for him.”
“Whew! Dying here must be more of his incomprehensible parabolic language. So let’s get back on track to shift the power balance so we can rescue Jerusalem and instruct the Romans, “Begone!”, and demand the priests stop their current propping up of the state.”
“I continue to hope all the talk of resurrection will fade away. After all, that would first entail dying. What we need is for a simple revolution to take place so our gifts for leadership will be duly noted.”
“G*D has delivered us from Jesus’ fantasy of dying because of the way he has lived. Palms! Hosannas! We’re good!”
As found in Wrestling Year A: Connecting Sunday Readings with Lived Experience
Psalm 71:1-14
Isaiah 49:1-7
I Corinthians 1:18-31
John 12:20-36
Two days ago we were so close to being in like Flynn. There was this parade happening the next street over, but we were just settling in to the Inn. We missed it.
Now we're trying to get a belated autograph and have a lead through a Mr. Philip who apparently knows someone who knows someone.
And just a quickly there is no response, our contact didn't show up. We're left behind.
So, from the other side - Jesus says, "We're full up. Disciples, stick closer than ever, no more taking bribes so someone can get their picture taken. Everyone, huddle up. The game's going to depend on this next play."
Well, believe it or not, this is a different time and place from these ancient stories. What is our criteria for helping someone come close to Jesus? What litmus test do they have to pass? What is the minimum ante? Will we take the time to introduce someone to the value source of our life ourselves or wait to see if someone else will blackball the idea? Is there still time available to slowly transform interest into involvement or must we expect instant conversion?
Is the game plan still to huddle up? Does looking back on this story from postEaster make a difference for how we are going to act in this, our next preEaster, season?
We are full of conditional love—only take care of me and I’ll look after you.
When our hope and praise are dependent upon our own well-being we need to be in conversation with Job.
Blessings to you in the midst of dangers continual. Your task is to take responsibility for your own hope. May you always be able to see beyond whatever threat you are sensing.