Psalm 80:1-2, 8-19
Pentecost +12- Year C
Who is this “they” who have burned an emblematic vineyard? It is the other part of a sibling squabble.
What is not addressed is the expected parental/prophetic question, “What did you do that led to their burning the vineyard?” This story is as old as the hills and as recent as any child.
So here we have an attempt to sway the parental unit with partial information, what those others did, and what we promise will be different.
While this represents an all too human game of “You and Them Fight”, it really does need some questions asked.
- What is your part in your circumstance?
- What makes you think you don’t deserve the same recompense?
- What part of your promise can be practiced now to better show your intent for later?
- Why expect G*D to immediately change if you are only going to promise some future change?
- Why would restoration be what you are after? Previous privilege didn’t go so well, what would make you think this will be sufficient to not end up in the same position in another generation? and
- Do you not know that a shining face will reveal yourself as well as another?
Guess what, you could have seen this coming and been proactive in doing something about it. Why the obliviousness? Why the reactivity? Learn! Replant!
Restore us, O Lord God of hosts; let your face shine, that we may be saved. (Psalm 80)
Give justice, maintain the right, rescue the weak! (Psalm 82)
We so often act as though there were some cosmic plan that requires nothing of us. Let's all pray that God will take care of things and God will take care of things. So we stumble forward searching for meaning in the details of experience and losing track of the larger picture that includes our involvement in life.
Want restoration? Give justice.
Want God's face to shine? Maintain the right.
Want salvation? Rescue the weak.
Everyone knows this but it is difficult to understand. Everyone want the first part without the second part. We look to God without doing what we can to become God.
Restore the shine of salvation -- judge right the weak.
An old conundrum goes -- Give me another chance and I'll change : Let me see you have changed and I'll give you another chance. Which chicken and which egg came first? Which will come next?
This debate continues around any given referendum, extension of "rights", or decision to war. Isolationists battle interventionist. Does a creed from the past trump any new opportunity in the present?
So, G*D, grant us one more get-out-of-jail-free card, we'll respond to your expansive love. So, G*D, hold our feet to the fire, we'll respond to your judgment of death.
- - -
restoration comes
in every size and flavorthis is sufficient to link
restoration with mysterythe question isn't
what will bring restorationthe question is
what ethically won'tat what point do we destroy
restoration to restore itthat size and that flavor
are ungainly and revoltingpray for honorable restoration
and then pass it on
Hey, G*D, stir up your might, get out of bed, run here, and save us!
You've done it before. Time to do it again. Your indolence is responsible for our peril, so get a move on.
We're finally and really sorry - yes, we know you've heard us say that before, but there really is a wolf at the door this time, dressed in pig's clothing no less, eating the fruit of the vine - so help us now and we'll tell everyone what a great gal you are, uhh, great guy, uhh, great god you are.
If I were G*D, I'd go back to bed. But, the persistence of these bloody mosquitoes (images) is great. I guess I'd get up, but grudgingly. Would I believe them? Nope. I know them too well, they are in my image after all. They will continue to want what they want when they want it. So, let's set up the toys for them to knock over again - someday, they'll grow up, at least that hope is still holding, though it is fragile.
How about you? Will you get up for such as are running the world down while expecting a miraculous pick-me-up at the end?