Psalm 80:7-15

Proper 22 (27) - Year A

"Let your face shine on us and we shall be safe."
"Smile your blessing smile: that will be our salvation."

While these words are directed toward G*D (for our benefit) they might also be directed toward ourselves (a benefit for others).

What would it be like for you to imagine that your smile is a smile of blessing? What is it that gets in the way of identifying yourself with blessing? How do we get beyond the culture of "cool" to the warmth of blessing?

Smile well. Smile often. Smile.



Psalm 80:7-15 or Psalm 19

Their voice is not heard, yet their voice goes out through all the earth!

In the Psalm, "they" are the creation sequence - the evolution of creation - the elements basic to life.

In Scripture, "they" are also the poor, the widows, the children, the alien.

None of "them" has a voice and yet they cry out as the mine-canaries deep below every political, economic, and educational system.

Have you heard "them"?

Do you add to the cry for G*D to attend to the vine, the creation, the poor?

Whether it seems your voice is heard or not, even whether you want it to be heard or not, it is important to know where you identify, what you listen to, what you pass on to G*D

Listen well, speak clearly, act humbly.



Psalm 80:7-15 or Psalm 19
Exodus 20:1-4, 7-9, 12-20 or Isaiah 5:1-7
Philippians 3:4b-14
Matthew 21:33-46

World Communion Sunday, by its very existence, recognizes that there are incompatible differences between those who sacramentalize a eucharist in Jesus' name. We emphasize different commandments and so are constantly balancing and rebalancing our boundaries.

Putting the Exodus and Isaiah passages together we find less emphasis upon the specifics of thundering commandments, than on what G*D expects to be their result -- justice (Isaiah 5:7).

Left on our own, we are afraid - who can keep every jot and tittle? But seen as precursors to a longer prophetic justice (thus the vineyard images in these pericopes) we are able to keep on.

In this light, the Psalmist is correct to see the commandments as clarifying - "Here is an example of justice: honor those who have gone before." In keeping that which builds justice we find a great reward, one worth pursuing with all our energy. It is also this that connects us with Prophet Jesus - identifying a great justice and what stands in our way of moving toward it.

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listen to another parable
what is going to happen
to those in the tale
just so it will happen
to you and your family
as we project
so we are
change an expectation
and you change a course of history
facts are not immutable
or determinative
listen to a parable
live a parable