Psalm 84:1-7
Proper 25 (30) - Year C
Psalm 84:1-7 or Psalm 65
The Lord of hosts, the G*D of Gods, pours out G*D's nature in the form of rain. Much in the Psalms can be traced back to a competition with various Rain Gods. This makes sense in a dry climate or one reliant upon agriculture.
We experience this refreshing and growing rain as a gift of resurrecting, reviving, and restoring community -- the rain of forgiveness, the reign of G*D, the rein on our destructive tendencies.
Of course there is torrential rain, monsoon rain, hurricane rain, typhoon rain, and the like, that erodes and floods out. But here we are in a thankful mood that catches a glimpse of the presence of G*D in the fertility of rain that satisfies our longings and lifts our fainting souls.
As folks made in this G*D's image we too are to become at least a shower of blessing in other's lives. This is our happiness and our praise.
May you be poured out as daily as the bread that sustains you.
Psalm 84:1-7or Psalm 65
Happy are we when we are satisfied with the goodness of G*D's presence.
While the experience of G*D's goodness is an intangible, it does have weight. This weight tilts us ever so, a little more, toward expressions of hope.
Can you feel this weight in your life? It is a weight that lifts.
= = = = = = =
roaring waves silenced
people's tumult quieted
into this silence
drop signs
it is evening
it is morning
a new day begun
a gentle river
by trees of healing
forgiveness realized
in iniquities midst
another year in
another year begun
feasting on joy