Psalm 90:1-8, (9-11), 12
Proper 28 (33) - Year A
Imaging a G*D who cuts us off too soon and for too little reason is a popular vision. We can appeal by clarifying with G*D what we see as the difficulty of limits, but, in the final analysis, we can only move toward a heart of wisdom on these matters.
Somewhere along the way we need to come to terms with the scope of eternity or, as Peterson puts it, "from 'once upon a time' to 'kingdom come.'"
I see an openness to all the movement entailed in a Living G*D as helpful in not getting caught up in regret that we are not more than we are. A progressive appreciation of the affirmation that we "do what we do" and "are who we are" helps alleviate the pressure of feeling entitled to more than the basics of doing and being as well as we can and letting the rest go by.
So, whether we even make it to, much less through, our warranty of 70 years or have bonus years -- we really don't have to complain about what a harsh taskmaster is G*D with the attendant focus on anxiety and trouble.
If we can help one another with our perspectives on eternity we will find the "sweetness of the Lord [to] be upon us." [NJB, verse 17]
Rejoice in simply being part of the grand story from Once Upon A Time to Kingdom Come.
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Speaking of eternity, the December 2002 issue of Wired magazine has an article on science and religion. The title is:
The New Convergence
and it is subtitled:
After centuries of battle, scientists and theologians are finally forging a grand unified theory. Think Eternity = MC2.
I don't know how to do a superscript in html, but you get the idea. How do you play with the E words of Energy and Eternity? This is much more Exciting than a static image of ongoing sameness.
Psalm 90:1-8, (9-11), 12 or Psalm 123
When dealing with violence (here spelled, "contempt"), the antidote is not stronger redemptive violence, but mercy. Admittedly this is not effective in the short-term, but the question must be raised about what would be. If we try the redemptive violence in the short-term in order to open the option for mercy to come, our experience is that we get bogged down in redemption protection and never get around to the mercy, for when would it ever be safe to let one's guard down?
When it comes to a thousand years equaling one yesterday the whole concept of short- and long-term flies out the window. We either are on the way to being who we desire to be or we are not.
An interesting question comes, how to deal with G*D's contemptuous violence toward sinners and other creations that don't or cease to measure up. How does one show mercy toward G*D. I keep going back to Bernstein's Kaddish (sample) [MISSING URL] to hear the human soothe G*D's fevered brow and to bring rest and sleep to an over-stressed deity.
This issue of violence and mercy go back to the Creator and are in our very bones. How long we have been playing this game! How long before our heart is wise enough to regularly choose compassion?
Psalm 90:1-12 or Psalm 123
Judges 4;1-7 or Zephaniah 1:7, 12-18
1 Thessalonians 5:1-11
Matthew 25:14-30
Life has been given into our hands. Some have received one gift; some another.
What to do with gifts is a perennial issue. The way we use a gift this year may be different than the way we were called to use it last year. It is difficult to keep up with a Living G*D.
The doing of evil may be as simple as continuing to use a gift in a manner no longer called for. Persistence of evil might be seen as a persistence of behavior beyond its time with no new listening, learning, or living.
It is this persistence of past talents that can be the same as burying them in the past and protecting them from being invested in the present and future. Thank goodness for communities that continue to challenge and support us in our use of gifts - for challenging us when we keep repeating ourselves past usefulness and for stimulating and encouraging us to new uses of given gifts.
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a thousand years
swept away like a dream
and we complain
we bewail
we are at wit's end
the pull of habit
is strong
even if there is new grass
growing through cement
we cling to our cement
claiming it to be life
in the presence of real life
may the light of day
keep us from SAD
cast a beam upon our path
warm our waning days
and lead us to one another
a thousand days
no regret
today's enough