Psalm 103:(1-7), 8-13
Proper 19 (24) - Year A
"tenderness and pity" (NJB)
"mercy and grace" (The Message)
"compassionate and gracious" (REB)
"merciful and kind" (CEV)
Tempers of G*D. Created in G*D's qualities, these are also ours. They are internal/external values that can be applied anywhere along the polarity process between "deeply believing and radically secular."
Make up an hourly chart starting now. Each hour indicate how the previous hour went in regard to you and these qualities. (Using a scale of 1-10, with 1 being lousy and 10 being fantastic should be sufficient.)
Don't forget to do this for sleep time as well as wake time. Our dreams and fantasies need maturing as much as the rest of our life.
Try it again and again, as a regular exercise, to gather data about your progress in becoming G*Dlike - a most worthy goal.
Psalm 103:(1-7), 8-13 or Psalm 114 or Exodus 15:1b-11, 20-21
I, G*D, have shown mercy, but you have not passed it on. (How can this possibly be countered by anything other than annihilation?)
G*D remembers we are dust, a wide, wide, steadfast love comes from this memory. Knowing the frailty and weakness of another can bring forth compassion. (Apparently there is no a reason to give up on anyone, no matter what the pain they have caused.)
G*D transforms. A river is dammed. A sea is split. A mountain quakes. (Hurricanes happen.)
G*D transforms. Rocks and flint become pools and springs. (Cities become swamps.)
G*D transforms. Egypt was blessed by Joseph to make it through lean years. (Surprising sources of help are already present.)
G*D transforms. Slaves were made of of Joseph's line. (Are transformations only for our immediate benefit?)
G*D transforms. Slave-masters drown. Former slaves walk dry-shod. (The high are brought low, the lowly raised.)
When does G*D cease transforming?
Where do we place the limits of what is transformation by G*D and what is not?
Right! Still at it, I see.
Now, as G*D's partners, what will we transform?