Psalm 105:1-6, 23-26, 45c
Proper 17 (22) - Year A
"Recalling the past can be a prayer: when we try to see the work of G*D and to give thanks." Christian Community Bible.
It is time to do a time-line of your life to see the presence of G*D with you and to give thanks.
Having done so, may your eye be open to recognize the presence of G*D with you now and to give thanks.
May your heart be open to knowing the presence of G*D will always be with you and so be freed to be about the business in the unread portion of this psalm - to risk preparing the way for the realized eschatology of freedom.
Psalm 105:1-6, 23-26, 45c or Psalm 26:1-8
Among the generalized wonders of creation are specifics: Abrahamic icons of Israel/Jacob and Moses/Aaron who have learned integrity and trust by altar dancing and thanks singing. Mind you, there have been wrong altars frolicked about and more thanks carping than was seemly. Nonetheless, lessons have been learned and decisions remade from installing crafty foes to revealing steadfast presence.
Give thanks for moving past times of trickery and falseness, past time of tests and failures. Give thanks for new ways to keep intact old relationships. Give thanks for soft words turning us from the elitism of vindication to the commonness of compassion for life in all its ups and downs.
Psalm 105:1-6, 23-26, 45c or Psalm 26:1-8
Exodus 3:1-15 or Jeremiah 15:15-21
Romans 12:9-21
Matthew 16:21-28
Questions can be stronger than answers. Moses turns aside toward a burning bush to ask, "Why?"
Only after this question is asked does G*D move in.
A question about who is speaking might be asked of Exodus 3:9. Does the cry of the Israelites "now" come to G*D or is this an affirmation of Moses, confirming G*D's observation of the Israelite's misery?
Even as Moses asked, "Who am I that I should go on this journey to Pharaoh's?" so does Peter deepen that with a question of Jesus, "Who are you that you should go to Pilate's?" The sign of the appropriateness of entering the halls of power will come later - Sinai and Resurrection.
Are you willing to wait confirmation, of that where you sense you should be going, until after you have gone? If so, enjoy your journey. If not, don't go.
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let love be genuine
live toward a better tomorrow
do no harm
live toward a better tomorrow
hold fast to good
live toward a better tomorrow
one love added to another
leads to mutual affection
one honoring of another
adds up to more
an ardent spirit
lives toward a better tomorrow
rejoice in hope
tomorrow has begun
be patient
tomorrow has begun
persevere in prayer
tomorrow has begun
extend hospitality
live tomorrow today
bless rather than curse
live tomorrow today
live in harmony
today of all days
Praise the Lord!
Playing Monday morning quarterback regarding history is a strange way to receive praise and glory. With this process everything is either carefully arranged or yet to be revealed.
The rubric here is lifting God up so whatever the rewrite that is necessary will be done. As we are reminded in 1984 those who control the present control the past and those who control the past control the future. It is that tendency to revisionism that raises questions about cutting up a psalm in this fashion.
Here we are weighted too heavily toward only the divine. Just like the infamous Dolly - what God wants, God gets. In coming at things from this perspective we lose a ring of authenticity and participation in salvation history.
If you were to cast about for a Psalm to deal with betrayal or call or living well, what would you choose. This one is just too pat and not helpful in reflecting upon the other three lections for the day. We need scripture to rub against scripture in a way that will bring more light, not just stay on message.
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PS - just noted that this is post 601 in this series. I don't know what to make of that information other than we missed an opportunity yesterday for a celebration. Since we are a virtual bunch there is probably no reason not to have that party today and no reason for you not to party today, where you are, on behalf of the rest of us.
On this date in the Vandlarian timeline: "601 – King Mordacus III leads an expedition through a portal to the fey realm. King Mordacus returns from his journey mysteriously appearing to be 20 years younger than when he entered." May you find yourself rejuvinated as you celebrate 601 in your own setting.
Indeed, keep your eyes open for movements within a universe of marvelous possibility. You will see what we call “G*D at work”.
Even more, you can have a part, “Y*U at work”.
We can say, “G*D sent his servant Moses”. Even more, we can say, “Moses went on a larger mission.” Without this balance any subsequent institution will need to continually make revisionist statements to explain any next marvel.
“Jacob lived as an alien in the land of Ham.” Remember Ham, cast away by Noah? Here we have a castaway in a castaway land. What might it be like to be twice exiled?
Like Michael Brown in Ferguson? Like any Palestinian? Like a Trans anywhere?
The difference here is that none of the above or the folks you thought of to add to the list had experience of being fruitful and strong. It wasn’t a case of surface thanks to Joseph before enslaving his descendants. These folks have only known hate and craft used against them.
There is still a promise for everyone that allies will be sent who will assist our coming through the current hell on earth that another prayer might be lived—G*D’s presence come on earth.
In the meantime praise a vision of new relationships not dependent upon mining the poor to resource the rich.