Psalm 119:33-40
Epiphany 7 - Year A
Proper 18 (23) - Year A
We are so easily swayed by the resistance to trusting goodness. It is almost that we are best defined by what we stand against rather than what we stand for. When I get to the "pearly gates" I sure hope I won't be put on one of those shouting heads programs so prevalent these days in order to defend my "entrance."
Or, if I am, that I will be wise enough to listen, to wait, to affirm rather than deny.
May you also spend more time affirming life than defending temporary positions that will need to be modified in the next twinkling of an eye as someone else comes to power and cultures again shift their idols.
Continually saying "no" wears us out. It takes us back to being two or a teen. Let's deepen our mature appreciation of the time, energy, and resources it takes to participate in (to say "yes" to) "saving justice" (NJB).
Psalm 119:33-40 or Psalm 149
Let's see, what shall we do with disputes on a national level? Ahh, Praise God and Pass the Ammunition! Be ready to exile and/or execute them!
On both the personal and the national levels we find this option to divide and separate. Whether there is actual power to do so, the imprecations are indicative of intention should such power be present.
Often it is helpful to rub scripture against scripture to see what unconsuming fire will be lit. Here we turn to Ps 119.
Turn my eyes from looking at vanities - - and what is more vain than being judge of another's sin?
Give me life in your ways - - work on self is more productive than that on others.
I have longed for your precepts - - as some ask, God who? Which precept/God are you looking at? Might it be the righteous one of forgiveness or that of double pre-retribution?
Psalm 119:33-40 or Psalm 149
Exodus 12:1-14 or Ezekiel 33:7-11
Romans 13:8-14
Matthew 18:15-20
What time is it? Time to not let sin continue unchallenged.
A part of this is to remember the gift of blessing that came first so that we might sing a new song to one another and not just bring suit against one another, no matter how many witnesses we are able to round up.
There is more than enough to be divided up among us. To continue acting as though G*D and a religious impetus is a zero-sum game is false to the strongest and most steadfast tenet we have - wholeness / love.
So what will we bind on earth (another to our way of thinking) and what will we loose (a new song that is an old song - honor)?
- - -
my lamb is served with mint jelly
your lamb is tofu with mint leaves
both may be apportioned
according to the number present
both lambs are without blemish
in themselves or in our eyes
both remind us of the fragility
of life and death and beyond
both prepare us for a new journey
we will remember until the next
so we call out to one another
owe nothing but love
the lambs are gone into a good night
and awaken in honor fulfilled
of the flesh we are born and grow
with such flesh we travel together
for life takes pleasure in life
and adorns the humble with honor
Choose your teacher.
Work toward understanding.
Travel toward basics.
Practice an outward oriented heart.
Practice an inward oriented eye.
Receive assurance.
Avoid disgrace.
And so confirm your desire for meaning.
If we want to pretend that the Psalms are only about personal piety then it will be helpful to have a sense that the statutes being talked about here are communal actions. Even when we try to escape being complicit in the current status of the common good by appealing to personal responsibility, the corporate and inter-connected realities of life will not be silent.
Remembering that there is no uniquely singular part of life, we reflexively read every singular reference with a plural cast.
This is particularly true with verse 37: “Turn my eyes away from looking at vanities; give me life in your ways.” [NRSV] Left alone our eye moves from vanity to vanity, finally noting that all is vanity. Joined with one another, creation and G*D we find a way to a tree of life—mutually.
When talking of the law, it is never just about my escaping judgment. It is always a communal context. The earlier we can catch this the easier life becomes.