Psalm 127

Proper 27 (32) - Year B

How does the Lord build houses and guard cities and give sleep to the anxious?

From the resources and potentials given from within us?

It is very easy to over-focus on G*D's power without considering our responses with what we have.

An important issue is how we see G*D's authority at work in the world. A significant model GOD uses over and over is the unexpected person, the youngster, the outcast, the baby, a death - whereby the enemy of life and justice is shown for what it is, shame trying to blame the victim for the crime.

Imagine you have a quiver of yourselves to aid you in your living. All those experiences from the past and all your expectations of ever-greater love of G*D and neighbor support of your living well in this in-between moment. Wow, what resources we have been given. No wonder we don't give up building and guarding and resting.



Psalm 127 or Psalm 146
Ruth 3:1-5; 4:13-17 or 1 Kings 17:8-16
Hebrews 9:24-28
Mark 12:38-44

When called to put in to life all we have, it is helpful to have little. We don't have to sort through tough decisions about what to save when a fire is bearing down on us or the flood waters are rising. When it is very clear that we only have this cup of flour or these two coins, we might as well offer them now rather than wait for another hand - sort of like going all in when short-stacked - it is the only reasonable decision in an uncertain world.

Our senses are heightened when everything is on the line and, at the same time, there is a blessed quietness. This combination of choice and non-choice leads to the type of living that will force action. When in this space we are open to doors we never would have considered and, if nothing else, we are a blessing to any who observe our response to a dilemma - invest where you can your reputation, resources, and hope.

= = = = = = =

a house is being built
a habitat for humanity
rises from random materials
a foundation here
a stud there
insulation blown or blanket
paint all around

a house is being built
a model of participation
sweat equity
partnering with G*D
and one another
pick your skill set
and use it well

a house is being built
its transformation
to a home
is in vain
without today's risk
sleeping with Boaz
cooking for Elijah

a house is being built
that requires
everyone's hands
to raise it up
not even G*D
does this alone
without a widow's help


This sounds more like a Proverb that has lost its way and ended up in the Psalms. It also is of a very masculine ethos, more didactic than hopeful. The contrast with the other pericopes is pretty stark.

The widow seems to acknowledge G*D, it is the context of the event; in Ruth's birthing of Obed, G*D's presence clarifies actions leading up to that event; and Hebrews speaks not to meeting enemies in the gate and prevailing, but an eager waiting for anticipated saving. These speak to an openness to a better future and are different than the psalmist claiming of G*D and having "victory" be a certain result.

Perhaps this paraphrase by Jim Taylor will help see this psalm in light of the other passages.

1 The road of life takes many tricky turns;
     you never know what crisis waits around the corner.
2 Each day has only 24 hours;
You cannot accomplish any more by burning candles at both ends;
You will only burn yourself out.
But God knows what you can do, and God will give you the strength you need.
3 God gives family and friends to sustain us when we weaken;
4 They are our insurance against the future.
5 Treat everyone as a friend,
     and you will never lack for support when you need it.
                    From: Everyday Psalms
                    Wood Lake Publications.