Isaiah 55:10-13

Epiphany 8 - Year C
Proper 3 (8) - Year C
Proper 10 (15) - Year A

So it is with a word that goes from God, it will not return unfulfilled.
Yes, you will go out with joy and be led away in safety. [near NJB]

As a word from G*D being fulfilled, how is your awareness of joy and safety?

What part of the story of your life needs to be viewed from another perspective to see yourself as an "eternal monument," living and lasting evidence of G*D?

What part of the story of our life needs to be viewed from another perspective to see the others in it as eternal monuments, living and lasting evidence of G*D?

G*D's word is present in the fertile soil of your and our life. It has been watered and nurtured through your and our experiences. Let us live in peace.



Isaiah 55:10-13 or Genesis 25:19-34
Psalm 119:105-112 or Psalm 65:1-13
Romans 8:1-11
Matthew 13:1-9, 18-23

What would it be like to read Paul as a frustrated parablist who simply can't get past his juridical language base?

We need a midrash cyclotron that can speed Paul and Jesus to light speed and smash them into one another. Then we might see Spirit as seed and Flesh as seed. We might understand soil as Spirit and soil as Flesh. In so doing new sparks will fly off into our lives today and we would care less about any traps of our own or others devising and simply pay more attention to a joyful heritage of a good creation and universal salvation and simply incline our hearts to both short- and long-term good at the same time.

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brother wrestler
heel grabber
stew chef
lineage stealer
flock grabber
G*D wrestler

go out
anguished loneliness
to accomplish
more than you purposed
to return
a brother's embrace

even here
instead of a thorn
a sound of singing
in the myrtle
an everlasting sign
none are cut off