Matthew 10:24-39
Proper 7 (12) - Year A
Enough, already. Enough secrets. Enough enforced silence.
Enough, already. Enough fallen hairs and sparrows. Enough fear.
Enough, already. Enough denial. Enough divisions.
Enough, already. Enough rich being pulled down. Enough poor raised up.
Enough, already. Find enough and it will be enough to free us from having to better our teacher, to replant follicles, to fight family, to cheat to get first place. Finding enough is enough. Having found enough we find life brimming over. Find enough.
It is enough to be like Jesus, without having to be Jesus. Imitating a Jesus that is still alive is to meet the challenge of doing greater things than Jesus did. To live a WWJD life (as differentiated from the jewelry) is to be at that vulnerable place of the sword's edge where clarity refuses confusion and an inclusive love of others confronts exclusive bloodlines and literalistic creeds. At this point we are encouraged to point a clear direction in the midst of winds blowing all around and to let go of certainty when all about are clinging to smaller visions.
"Family values" always require values larger than the family.
Family is always in some larger context, be it an economy of resources or an economy of GOD.
Herein lies issues of choice between the immediate family and the larger family.
Anyone who thinks that when you have said, "Family Values", that you've said it all" is sadly mistaken.
"Family values" always require values smaller than the family.
Family is always made up of some smaller units, be it genes or personalities.
Herein, again, lie issues of choice between the immediate family and the members thereof.
It is still true that anyone who thinks "Family Values" is all life is about, doesn't understand the value of family in the micro- and macro- aspects of life.
How do I arrive at a place of "fearing not"? A significant view of this is the magical concept of correspondence - if I am like something else, then I am that something else. This is similar to much of the self-help therapies. In each case it is important to identify the specific correspondence and run with that one little thing in expectation that it will grow into a fuller identity or protection.
"It is enough for the disciple to be like the teacher, and the slave like the master." In what way does this happen without a disciple becoming a teacher or a slave, a master? Is this perpetual adolescence?
"Everyone who therefore acknowledges me before others, I also will acknowledge before my Father in heaven." What are the limits of acknowledgement? Is it naming only? How much emulation or becoming of Christ in one's own setting is needed for acknowledgement?
"For if we have been united with him in a death like his, we will certainly be united with him in a resurrection like his." What death is a death like his? Is it the form of crucifixion? Is it looking beyond the current principalities and powers until they unite to legally murder? And what happens if you live like him, rather than die like him?
"Cast out this slave woman with her son; for the son of this slave woman shall not inherit along with my son Isaac." When did Sarah stop laughing? What died in her? What fear rose up? It is one thing to begin to move from disciple to teacher, slave to master, and quite another to move from teacher to disciple and master to slave. Again we see limits of external correspondence.
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finding our fearless place
pushes us beyond the surface
where crosses around necks
are protective amulets
saving one from so living
that a cross come to our back
How sad when we get caught in the position of being determined by another. Whether this determination is by person, institution, or god, it is always a set-up for revolution. The seed of destruction of a positive value is found in its attempt to claim ultimacy or requirement of obedience.
Have no fear of those who are not in on the joke of creation. They can do damage while stumbling about containing laughter, but eventually even they will come see sparrow and head hair and peace-offerers as sisters and brothers of their own time in paradise and chuckle at both the similarities and differences.
With that aside, back to being determined. Is Jesus really so limited that he has no choice but to promote those who pat him on the back and demote those who challenge him? How about yourself? Is that a teacher at work or a ideologue program trying to test students into improvement?
An argument can be made that this statement attributed to Jesus runs contrary to his larger vision of taking up a cross, regardless of how others respond. It is at this point that a choice is put before us. Will we continue in some judgment process or some faithful action process?
So, whether we are currently up to it or not, this is practice time to move away from hierarchies of student disciples and teacher messiahs or of differing economic strata.
The practical implication here is that it is more important to act from what we understand in whispers (an expansive and expanding love is our key insight) than what others are shouting after us (do "this" and I'll come; do "that" and I'll give).
You have heard it said that a disciple is not above their teacher, nor a slave above their owner.
But I say to you: disciple and teacher, slave and owner, are both within each.
Don’t fear those who set one above and one below. Fear, rather, that which separates one from the other as though they were so foreordained.
I simply say, we are connected, you and me. I have come to keep our tensions honest that we might better share with one another. Sons are not fathers, nor mothers, daughters. Even when roles are reversed for one reason or another, they are not equivalents. All are free to choose, whether appreciated for their choice or not.
Whoever does not pick up a connecting point between all things and yet distinguish them, is not yet alive. Regardless of a history more and more limited to death, a cross is but a crude mechanism of both connection and distinguishment.
In this intersecting process of keeping connections and identity related to one another, find the humility to be merciful and so live deeper connections and connexions (Pentecostal witness).