Matthew 23:1-12
Proper 26 (31) - Year A
All Saints - Year A
So, how well do progressive Christians live what we talk? Do we live out our hearts in our behavior?
Well, less well than we desire for we desire, as much as anyone, to be in charge.
The Message puts it this way, "And don't let people maneuver you into taking charge of them."
"Do you want to stand out? Then step down. Be a servant. If you puff yourself up, you'll get the wind knocked out of you. But if you're content to simply be yourself, your life will count for plenty."
Ahh, yes, to simply be myself! So much easier said than done - given the good I want, I don't, and vice versa.
Yet, it is worth the effort to encourage one another in this direction. I am always encouraged when I see others simply being themselves.
A key part of this simply being is to keep a weather eye out for G*D's presence. This is the work of a Christ(ian). So - how many GOD sightings have you had today? Is the lack because your eye has been on being in charge of something or someone? Try taking a deep breath, "big as a circus tent," and shift your focal length on your life, the world, and everything.
Ouch. But I have such wonderful things to share with the whole world. I'm sure, not necessarily correct, but sure that if only the world would try my way they would soon agree it was superior to every other way. I preach what I am sure about (again, not necessarily correct about, but sure about). I suppose I really should try it on myself first and see if even I can follow what I say and, even if I did follow what I said, that it would make a whit of difference in some larger picture.
What would make a real difference in this world? Well, how about that there was an immediate feedback loop following our teaching/preaching that would show us its unintended consequences and require our flesh to first enact it. Those who proclaim war would be required to be the first to sign up and the last to be discharged. Those who proclaim death to social welfare programs would be required to live a year under the conditions that brought those programs into being in the first place. Those who proclaim church and state should empower one another would be required to live under some other church/state than their own where church and state conspire and collude together.
Those are biggies. What about little things like living in community and the mystery of a Living G*D?
A viable option to calling no one your "Context In Being" or your "Teacher" is to call everyone Sister G*D and Brother Instructor. Yes, those who humble themselves will be exalted, but forget not that those who exalt others will also be exalted.
It may be that humility is not about putting one's self down, but about lifting others up. Lifting others takes a great deal of practice and sturdiness. This is not best done from a face in the mud position but that of looking another in the eye and cheering them on, giving them a boost.
We can look at behavior that cherishes community and others and call it self-effacing, but that doesn't do justice to the energy and power it takes to move beyond one's self to bolster another. A trick here is to know what you mean and say it and having said it to carry it through. It is through this standing firm that we are able to encourage others to go ahead that we all might have a better blazed trail ahead of us.
Once upon a time it may have done to call for others first. But if there is no me here there is no real significance to others being first. When we take our part in the circles of life we, together, gyre higher.
A place of honor requires stepping into a flood rush and standing still while the waters rush by, not yet calmed upstream. To bear the holy is both honorable and dangerous. When we try to disentangle these two to provide executive privilege, or any other kind of privilege, we have failed in our leadership.
To bear holiness, in ourselves and not just on our shoulders, requires entering all manner of metaphoric flood waters. We will stand in a flood that rejuvenates the land, building a part of a new delta with the few molecules of flesh and bone we have at our disposal. We will stand in a flood of prejudice, uncertainty, and fear that has rushed on for a longest time as a sign and witness it shall not always be so – though not yet seen, a cessation is on its way [and again a "nothing" has become a "something" :) ].
Still, it is time to stop by woods or flood and choose a path less traveled. It will make all the difference.
- - -
some prophets cry peace
to a raging river
a rising tide
as though desire
for continued comfort
were sufficientbeing thus out of tune
with what is coming
for fear of losing
what little purchase
we have on the bronco back
of a living G*Dour cry of peace
echoes hollowly
within a hollow people
empty of hallowing
coming change
in present living
In what guise will the Messiah appear today?
My learning is going to be impacted by the clarity and breadth of my ability to see beyond the surface of Messiah regalia to the variety of ways a beloved community is revealed.
The greatest among us will model their accumulated wisdom. They will lead us forth, teach us that which was too difficult until this moment. They are Spirit incarnated. From time to time they will be folks mutually affirmed as consistent sparks of new vision. From time to time they will be folks who surprise for their brief instant, not even fifteen minutes of fame, but, for a critical moment, an indispensable blessing.
Those who attempt to claim a spot without it arising from lived experience will be ambition personified. Even if it is I who so claims a vision from G*D, my posing will be revealed. And so Jesus reminds us about the importance of loving one another. For today I am Messiah, tomorrow, you, and in time after that the joy of another.
In what guise does Messiah not appear?
Ever has it been thus: Those in power define life for all according to their experiences and a desire to remain in power. Of course it could be emphasized the other way around, power and experience, but, either way, there is a persistent practice of coliseum games, sweet foods, and whatever cultural values are esteemed for the moment.
Even if Boris and Natasha’s “esteemed leader” is captured by the rubrics of power, they may yet have a true word mixed in with their behavior.
As we are closing off another church year this is a good time to haul out the gifts of evaluation and critique to distinguish a good word from an iffy action.
With the Citizens United decision and other ways in which corporations hide behind personhood, it is not always easy to tell those who love their current place of honor so much that thy will only question those who question their values and never consider questioning themselves. With creative bookkeeping is it difficult to discern the phylacteries of profit.
We do a lot of assuming about profit as a sign of power for it is not just reported profit that must be considered, but how it measures against some expectation of ideal profit. Profit is not profit until it has been maximized and everything bows to it.
This is not the way it is to be with us. We are not to pray, My Corporation which art on Wall Street, blessed be thy profit-making ways . . . .
The greatest among you will be those who assist in building a commonwealth (this is the creative impetus from creation).
sitting in Moses’ seat
wasn’t easy for Moses
much less Joshua
and even less so
generations later
for Annas/Caiaphas
or usurper Benedict
or insightful me
with each iteration
distance grows
between teachings
and practices
moving from one
to many
is confusing for all
good intentions fall
no one but Moses
is to have Moses’ seat
all are called and gifted
for their hot seat
which is sufficient
so grab your ass
with both your hands
enjoy the ride
Who would you substitute for “Pharisees” in this passage? This is a dangerous exercise because of the way the passage is set up. Almost any substitution will bring more disfavor on the Pharisees than they probably deserve and misrepresent whomever is being compared to them.
With this caveat in place, might Fundamentalist (of any stripe) work here?
Jesus could have also come to the same conclusion about humility if he had used his own Disciples as an example. That may cut a bit close for many of us as it suggests that it is not some other stereotyped or scapegoated group that needs a refresher course, but me.
As you come to this passage one more time, you may want to consider your own renaming of what this intended to be ordinary time following Pentecost might be? Here we are using “Community Practice”. One practice is the development of refrigerator magnet check-lists. What parts of this pericope lend themselves to a daily checklist to see how you are doing with your humility for its own sake, not to get an A+ on a test and become exalted? Design a checklist for yourself to guide you into next steps of growth. If you pay attention you’ll find out more in the defining of parts related to your life than reading any 3 devotional books.