John 17:20-26

Easter 7 - Year C

Here is a major division point, like unto a glass half full/empty.

Do we act in relation to those now present? Do we act in relation to those beyond our present limits?


Ideally we could say, “Both”. However, we usually find ourselves constrained by the limits of others or reap the consequence of their limits as we reach beyond. It takes a fair amount of energy to be able to honor those with smaller limits while urging larger ones.


This issue of oneness often gets derailed by the those not yet ready for the consequence of losing the little they have when others are deeply considered. If you need another example of smaller limits doing their utmost to control everyone else — read about how there will be yet one more trial in United Methodism over the false teaching that “homosexuality” is incompatible with Christian teaching.


You may want to meditate on this image as you steadily stand for a human connection with G*D.




Jesus continues to pray on behalf of you and me and the folks who we influence to pay attention to the commonwealth of creation, the "kingdom of G*D".

We are being prayed for as we follow the example of Jesus that questions every past rule still hanging around in light of larger expressions of G*D's presence to come. We are being prayed for as we follow the example of Jesus in going beyond the limits of rules past to open up new avenues of inquiry that will lead us to a more inclusive future. We are being prayed for.


Is that true for you, that you are being prayed for by Jesus? by Jesus' body, the Church?


Is it true for you, that GOD responds to Jesus' prayer for you? that GOD's Spirit responds to Jesus' prayer for you?


If it is true, will you continue, no matter what world or church say about or do to you, to shine a light on the presence of GOD, on the love of Jesus, on the comfort of the the Holy Spirit, on the persistence of the Church, on the community of Believers Beyond Belief, on a creation partnering with all the above, and more, to work out the wholeness of life in fear and trembling, joy and peace?


Your decision is requested and awaited.



To finish a season of resurrection we hear that Jesus, Resurrected One, is one with you and me (and all? following John 1:3). This unity, oneness, passes on not only creation but resurrection and ascension (binding earth and heaven together as per Jesus' Prayer). We are blessed with life, with life renewed, with life eternal.

To extend this to another four-letter word: we are blessed with love, with love renewed (forgiveness), with love eternal (steadfast).

Even though the language goes round and round, the point it makes is pretty straight-forward. A good way to bring the season to a close.

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Here is a visual prayer fragment known as a mandala <a

I Am Mandala

The description of this mandala is:

The ellipse signifies an opening – opening into fresh and deeper insight, suspended between heaven and earth.

The sun ['son?] is inserted between the letters reminding us of light, warmth & forgiveness.

'i am' in the lower case, shelters in the strength of the great 'I AM'. The poet e.e.cummings always refers to himself in lower case letters.

The flowing water acts as a mirror reflecting the letters. Jesus says 'I am the Living Water'.

The reflected letters read 'NOW'; 'iam' is Latin for 'now'; more living water reveals 'I VOW'.

You may be interested in the source information that has more about spirituality and stillness and the round of I in them and you in me and ....



A prayer that we might be connected at our roots is strong.
Such a prayer is weakened when it intends to prove something or other.

Remember Redwood Roots:

In Song

In Science
"Holding hands" underground
The roots of a coast redwood are very shallow, growing only four to six feet deep, but spread out from the tree as far as 125 feet. This isn't much support for a tall, heavy tree—floodwaters can erode top layers of soil, exposing the roots and weakening a tree's support system. Heavy rains and strong winds can bring even the biggest giant crashing to the ground.

But the roots of individual redwoods frequently grow intertwined with those of their neighbors. By "holding hands" underground, the roots form a network that allows the trees to withstand even great storms.

Shallow roots are sensitive to smothering silt.
The redwood's roots are shallow so that they can collect large amounts of moisture the tree requires. When sediment accumulates atop its roots, a redwood responds by growing a new root system upwards, into the silt. One toppled coast redwood was found to have developed seven successive root systems, each grown in response to the periodic floods and heavy sedimentation that caused an 11-foot rise in the ground level during the tree's 1200-year lifetime.

In Art

Community Roots

Celtic Mandala

Tree Huggers

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Intertwined roots = an image of glory. How is your glory quotient today? Does it need changing by the end of the day?

Intertwined roots = an image of love. How is your love quotient today? Does it need changing by the end of the day?

By this we see that G*D's glory = our love and G*D's love = our glory.