Galatians 6:(1-6), 7-16

Proper 9 (14) - Year C

Work for the good of all. Why? Because the cosmic payoff is worth it - a new creation.

Enough said.

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sky-writer large
is not large enough
for a new
creation message

what needs lopping off
is not our sexuality
but our control
of cultural symbol

do this and you're in
avoid this and you're in
do that and that
and you're out

every diminution of one's life
to carry out
someone else's plan
lessens our common good

take care in temptation's face
not to live another's life
no matter the perks
it is not redemptive

focus on gentleness
bear mutual burdens
do your own work
weary not in good

compassion trumps judgment
care overarches competition
sowing precedes reaping
peace always mercy ever


"Even the circumcised do not themselves obey the law, but they want you to be circumcised so that they may boast about your flesh" is an interesting line after General Conference.

In the various denominational agonies regarding human sexuality, we need to recognize that the legalists and literalists among us are not as legal or literal as they claim. Mostly they want to be seen in that light so they may boast about your vote.

I was encouraged to hear some begin to say (of course, too late for those injured by the decisions), "I think we may have followed Maxie Dunham (insert your own favorite religious rightist/legalist) once too often." May we finally get back to understanding that each of these church fights are about power and control of one over another and that "neither this issue or that is anything; but a new creation is everything!"

In light of our physical move from this appointment in the morning, neither here or there is the issue — it is a new creation, whether here or there.



As we rail against the nay-sayers of the world, the limiters of love's expressions, it would behoove us to do so in a spirit of gentleness.

Oh, my, is this tough, or what!

Can we preemptively bear another's burdens without their being ready to bear our own? Well, yes. That is basically how it works. Seldom are we on the same need basis as our sisters and brothers. If we were we might not be able to support another because of our own great need to be supported.

This picture of alternating support is but one picture. There are those who report that they are supported in being able to support another. This has gotten many through difficulties in their life.

Whether you are more of an alternating or simultaneous bearer of burdens, may you do so with gentleness for yourself and those you are supporting.

Those who follow this guide of gentleness — peace be upon you, and mercy, and upon all of G*D's creation.



"Let us not grow weary in doing what is right, for we will reap at harvest time, if we do not give up."

Keeping on keeping on is the relatively easy part of this, particularly when we claim to be right. It is that tricky business of discerning what is right that keeps tripping us up and sending second thoughts our way.

Just one example, what is the right focus for a sermon in America on July 4th?

Do you focus on Liberty or Independence? Do you focus on a call to a better nation, beckoning it to the good of all (versus the further benefit of the already rich or corporations) or to repentance, to refrain from further boasting about how good we are, for we will be recompensed for the trouble we sow? Do you focus on grace or law? Do you focus on faithfulness (gentleness) or patriotism (legalism)?

If you dare, you might simply read aloud John Wesley's tract Some Observations on Liberty and say that there is an on-going struggle between liberty and independence that has gone on since the founding of our country. This choice is not one that is going to go away any faster than any other question of what is right for any occasion.

If nothing else the closing lines here would make a fitting benediction:

A New Creation is Everything!
For those participating in this creation,
peace be upon you, and mercy, and upon G*D.