Ephesians 6:10-20

Proper 16 (21) - Year B

And around we go. There is all the external imagery of armor, lots of it, to battle a non-external enemy. Then, while all dressed to kill, we are to stand still and proclaim a gospel of peace.

Since none of this is straight forward it is important to do more than allegorize or literalize or otherwise twist this into a logical meaning.

Can you imagine Jesus dressed in this fashion? I see him standing naked saying, "I am truth; I am righteousness; I am peace; I am faith; I am salvation; I am Spirit; I am G*D; I am you; I am everyone; I am all." Talk about folks running away from Jesus because of what he says! There they go. Here we go, for how many among us would so stand?

So pray for one another -- you and I may yet one day so stand, mysteriously.

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Deb (Reader)

I am an Episcopal priest & our lectionary has that troublesome Ephesian 5 about husbands & wives. I am thinking of talking about how both are hard sayings: Jesus talking about being the bread of life (w/its implications of cannibalism & the whole notion of self-sacrifice) to his disciples AND the whole notion of how difficult it is for any of us (husbands AND wives alike) to 'love as X loved us' I will acknowledge the difficulty we have around the whole idea of submission but also what it means to be submitted to X...who is the only one we should be submitted to.

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John (Reader)

Why do we all allow the word SUBMIT to prevent us from seeing the fact of MUTUAL LOVE AND RESPECTING between a husband and wife. Take the whole context of that passage, and replace the word "submit" with "respect" or "love". Of course, the other aspect is that the "ideal" is being expressed. One is to respect a person (husband) who sacrifices himself like Christ did, and gave himself for the Church.

Re-write the passage so BOTH the husband and wife SUBMIT to the other. Is it not true that feminists dislike this passage because of the word "submit" and extreme chauvinists likewise misuse the passage as an excuse for improper behavior. BOTH are equally incorrect in understanding and application. The REST OF US want this wonderful passage to be used in appropriate and beneficial ways.




Ephesians 6:10-20
1 Kings 8:(1, 6, 10-11), 22-30, 41-43 or Joshua 24:1-2a, 14-18
Psalm 84 or Psalm 34:15-22
John 6:56-69

If you had to choose between grandeur or protection, which would it be? The grandness of Solomon's over-the-top prayer and grandiose temple is a wonder to behold. It inspires awe. Is that a desired dwelling place for more than a moment?

Joshua's recounting of a journey from nowhere to a particular somewhere and the interpreted protection that took in the face of enslavers and people already living where we claimed we were to live and were, thus, by definition, our enemies. It inspires awe. Is this a desired dwelling place for generations?

Where is G*D's dwelling place? Temple or Promised Land? Prayer or Journey?

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we image G*D's armor
as being fit for us to wear
forgetting David trying
to wear Saul's helmet and shield

what arrogance we have
to be able to bear up
under the weight of armor
umpteen times too big

such armor can at best
be worn by a whole community
and even then turns to pride
claiming god on our side

what armor is there
against spiritual forces
a Maginot line
against flanking tanks

participate in prayer
for all saints of every stripe
share life and lives
be bread for one another

trust not in more arms
trust arms more
which may embrace
with shorthand's - amore



Remember what benefit sword and spear and armor were to Goliath and Achilles. Come to think of it do your remember feeling secure at some point and then you didn't. All these images of protecting life stumble over themselves.

Paul might also have said you have put the belt of power around your waist – take it off that truth might speak to power. You've covered your heart with money – remove it that you might experience again elemental righteousness. You've shod your feet with other people's moccasins and sweatshop socks – take them off that a peace that passes understanding might run free again. You've created a shield of insurance to return cash for life – put it down that faith again might blossom and grow and hold you in the palm of its hand. You've erected a tinfoil helmet of the latest talking points and memes that bring nothing but cognitive dissonance – lift it off, lighten your thoughts, bask again in decisions that lead to greater long-term wholeness.

Thus stripped of our usual manifestations of entitlement, prayer becomes our bread and breath.




Finally, be beautiful. Remember, you are an image of beauty. Remember, others are also images of beauty.

Our struggle is not against others as much as it is against those messages planted within ourselves that we are less than beautiful. That which negates beauty in is a principality and power. Therefore take up this song and put down all that other armor for those who put on armor will die in armor and that’s no way to live.

Pray that we may declare it boldly—“It gets better.”
