Hebrews 13:1-8, 15-16
Proper 17 (22) - Year C
In verses 15-16 we might consider deleting the little word "sacrifice". Then it might read something like,
"With Jesus, let us continually offer praise to God, that is the fruit of lips that look first to God. Praise God by not neglecting to do good and to share what you have for this is pleasing to God."
While suffering is a huge theological issues for Christians and others it is a far stronger position to simply receive any suffering that comes from the praise and living of well-doing and sharing than to suffer for some ulterior motive to receive some secret benefit from suffering. It is this lesser value of suffering that gets highlighted with the sacrificial language. It is a joy, not a sacrifice, to receive whatever the outcome is for good doing and sharing. It is a sacrifice, not a joy, to elevate suffering as the desired goal and doing good only being a means to it.
Let us be about the joy of life.
We look at entertaining angels through the eyes of Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary
One entry found for entertain.
Main Entry: en·ter·tain
Pronunciation: "en-t&r-'tAn
Function: verb
Etymology: Middle English entertinen , from Middle French entretenir , from entre - inter- + tenir to hold -- more at TENABLE
transitive senses
1: a: archaic :MAINTAIN b: obsolete :RECEIVE
2: to show hospitality to
3: a: to keep, hold, or maintain in the mind [I entertain grave doubts about her sincerity] b: to receive and take into consideration [refused to entertain our plea]
4: to provide entertainment for
5: to play against (an opposing team) on one's home field or court
intransitive senses :to provide entertainment especially for guests
synonym see AMUSE
-en·ter·tain·er noun
It is too bad that we have lost the sense of hospitality as a spiritual discipline that maintains our connection with and receptivity to "angels".
It is now much more a choice issue: hospitality is what I choose to show to those I choose to show it to. Hospitality happens or doesn't happen based on my energy at the time, rather than being an expected goal no matter what the time of day or night.
Hospitality has become an attitude rather than an action. We can intend hospitality and express the outward forms of hospitality without ever having it received.
Hospitality has become a casualty of the 15-minutes of fame approach to life. As long as someone is watching or I am getting some other payback, let the entertainment continue.
It has even moved from a sense of connection and common ground to the competition of a sporting event to see who will win - our avoidance of hospitality or the angels need of it to be visible (even more than a bell ringing for angel wings at some distance).
This state of affairs isn't very amusing.
It is sometimes instructive to read scripture from a different point of view. Here we have a passage directly directed toward our actions in regard to others. Try reading it as though you were addressing a part of the congregation within yourself.
For instance - a beginning: Let self-love continue. Do not neglect to show hospitality to the stranger within, for thereby some have entertained angels unaware. Remember those parts of you that are in prison, as though the rest of you were in prison with them; and those voices within who are ill-treated, since you also are in the body with them....
For those of us who are so other-directed, it is important to hear a call to equal care for self.
- - -
looking for confidence
in all the wrong places
is an alternative
country wailingwe know we need it
for our fears are real
and rising with a dark moon
in a storm-darkened skythere is no escape
the fiercest of nightmares
that are not only possible
but actually real somewhereour needed confidence
is directly tied to contentment
our culture and our yearnings
disparage and dismissis there a place
of no forsakenness available
in our past or present
we can count as steadfastis that place only in our dreams
where a helper is quick
to be present and protective
that others within won't screamwith or without confidence
we could do with a few
content people to imitate
and pass on to others
Need an out from being hypocritical? Try Verse 1: Let mutual love continue.
Of course this presumes that some mutual love has been going on within one's selves and/or between folks. Being hospitable is an antidote for hypocrisy, a division within one's self - what is said and what is done.
Life's messengers are entertained when that which has been divided is again joined together. When complicit in torture and we finally stand against torture (physical, psychological, any) we entertain angels. When complicit in not holding one another tight through any of the demon dialogues mentioned in Hold Me Tight and we hold again, forgive, bond, and otherwise keep love alive, we entertain angels. When we cease to be complicit regarding the coin of the realm and its attendant greed, we entertain angels.
Bottom Line - It is well for the heart to be strengthened by grace, not by regulations. (v. 9) This is the better living we anticipate, not after death, but right now.