1 John 3:1-7

Easter 3 - Year B

There is a real divide between verses 3 and 4.

Before -- We live in hope, moving toward theosis - becoming G*D.

After -- We live in hope, quite modified by knowing we still sin and therefore are incapable of apprehending or understanding, much less becoming, G*D.

In most advertisements the after is better than the before (otherwise why buy). Here I would choose the state of before. Which side are you on?

I hope you dream beyond your station in life.




If only the science of the first century could have been as digital, as on/off, as either/or, as 1/0. If so we would have had computers well before our time.

If you can set the definition of sin you can find the loophole and escape to still be the twinkle of G*D's eye.

How does your definition work if everyone is loved by G*D and is G*D's child AND no one who abides in G*D sins; AND no one who sins has either seen G*D or known G*D?

Just how far can you walk in someone else's definition of sin? Soon you will find where it pinches. Can you listen to others report how soon your definition pinches them? If they've been walking in your definition of sin and found it wanting, might you not also find it is a bit too tight? Perhaps we need several definitions of sin that can be applied as needed rather than one size fitting all. Perhaps sin is ultimately as mysterious as love or forgiveness.




To be a child of G*D who doesn't claim to be the only child of G*D is a blessing to one and all. It seems to take a heap of living and walking with others to pull this off. It is worth it and as Karen Armstrong reminds us in a <a href="http://www.wpr.org/hereonearth/archive_060423j.cfm">radio interview</a>, we don't get to a compassionate image of G*D by improving our image of G*D, but by beginning to practice compassion (this allows us, then, to see this quality in G*D).

Here is a link to some liturgical elements that might be connected with this passage and with our sister and brother Native American children of G*D. The site is usually a tad slow in coming up, so patience.




[a repeat post to correct a bad link. -- Bad Link! Bad Link! is not a helpful way to speak so let's revise that to an incorrectly formatted link.]

Everyone who commits sin is guilty of lawlessness.

What law are we talking about? Well, it comes in the next section of 1 John and elsewhere - the law to love one another. This is a law requiring intentional action that can't be met by benign neglect. This is a law requiring intentional action that builds both the one and the other up, assists all toward larger wholeness from where we are (moves toward a more open future).

One of the ways in which we can most clearly see this lawlessness and thus see sin is to open our eyes to issues of race and poverty. Here is a PDF study on race and poverty that looks quite usable to illustrate the ways in which we play at sin rather than play at being G*D's children.

It is important to look at race and poverty to remind ourselves of how lawless we are, but not to look so intently that we miss the missing love and focus only on how far short we fall.




1 John 3:1-7
Acts 3:12-19
Psalm 4
Luke 24:36b-48

"...repentance and forgiveness of sins is to be proclaimed...." (Luke 24:47)

"I will both lie down and sleep in peace; for you alone, O Lord, make me lie down in safety." (Psalm 4:8)

These two lines play well together. In a season of resurrection we can spend time on the process (focusing on what we know - betrayal, injustice, torture, death - rather than what we don't know - visits to hell, empty tombs, experience of continuity even when not immediately recognizable) or on resurrection's intention - changing direction and forgiveness.

To lie down and sleep can also be to die. We can do so in "safety" when expecting to arise forgiven and with a changed direction.

When life is revealed we shall see it as it is - healed, changed, forgiven, onward from here - and we will participate in those same dimensions.

- - -

we see health or healing and
we shy away from their politics

to admit unexpected healing
that which we were not a party
raises our already high anxieties
to the point of denial of our senses
being out of touch with ourselves
puts us out of community with others

our wonder and amazement can turn on a dime
from loud praise to louder death to loudest peace



From The Message:

1 – What marvelous love [ G*D ] has extended to us! Just look at it – we're called children of G*D! That's who we really are, But that's also why the world doesn't recognize us or take us seriously, because it has no idea who [ G*D ] is or what [ G*D's ] up to.

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So what do G*D's children say about G*D? If we can figure that out then the challenges and responses of the rest of life falls into place. We can then proceed to our own arenas of engagement and be satisfied with what we do and feel.

What we say may not be translatable, but it is of great importance. Others may not get what we are up to as their appreciation of what motivates us falls into a blind spot for them. But we have what it takes to proceed to joy in all things, to fullness of life, even abundant life beyond the appearance of being in death.

So what do you say about G*D? Here a key word is "with".

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[ side note: This is the lucky 777th posting on this blog - did you find a triple blessing today? :) ]




See what G*D has offered through creation—partnership. This is what we are: Partners

When we are not known, G*D is not known. When G*D’s expansive and expanding love is not known, we are not known.

How the hiddenness of life will be revealed is still a mystery. When we have glimpses of healthy life we see how we are partnered with one another, G*D, and all of creation. This is the essence of hope—that life will be revealed.

This is a good place to leave things without having to go on to talk of sin, guilt, and lawlessness. Each of these hide our basic partnership. Our work is not to pile on reasons why we can’t participate in revolutionary revelation. Don’t let anyone fool you into these judgments that only spiral downward. Note, rather, what is harmful and don’t do it; what is helpful and do it. In this is our partnership with all and our health.
