Easter A

An Easter Stone

tell us again about the stone
how an earthquake came
and an angel spoke
giving directions to follow

tell us again about the stone
how it was already rolled away
and an angel waited with a word of “Peace”
that did not dissipate fear

tell us again about the stone
how it was already rolled away
and two angels snuck up
leaving us wondering

tell us again about the stone
how it was already rolled away
providing such a wonderful mystery
let’s explore this more

tell us again about the stone
each way of telling it surprises
our resigned ears
and excusing tears

tell us again about the stone
cast aside to be forgotten
and became a cornerstone of remembrance
how steadfast love remains

tell us again about the stone
as silent witness to death’s death
and not so silent rock-and-roll
celebrant of none-the-less

tell us again about the stone
when we forget about the stone
we roll it over and throw it at
those we are to love

tell us again about the stone
yes about the stone
for we keep forgetting
about the stone
