Pentecost +5 B
Health Care
crowds gather
politics is going on
what are the questions of the day
how will we decide them
a voice is raised
my daughter, my friend, myself
is out of health
fill them again
a plan is formed
an implementation begun
other events intrude
other voices rise
they're dead
don't waste the resources
stick with the temple
priests and money changers
our intermediaries with
a G*D too big to fail
are our only redemption
between not good enough
and a promise of better
some proceed quietly
with commotion all about
with a vision of sleep
instead of a despair of death
a third voice rises
little one arise
and the forgotten
lonely and lame are not left
a decision - a feast
a toast - l'chaim
Let's Feast
a boat is transporter 0.002
its a long way to Star Trek
now in this port
now in that
travel is slow enough
a bow wave of people
assembles faster than
a wake suggests
with people are needs
for other’s well-being
and for one’s own
events rise up
whether named or unnamed
healing occurs death happens
we do what we can
we fear consequences
doubt forgiveness’ truth
work to get life right
only to find enough
enough time enough distance
enough hope enough trust
enough love enough balance
to satisfy a baby bear
and so we are touched
and share such with touch
little one arise
let’s feast