Lent 2 C

this very hour


scram and skedaddle
they are out to get you


not realizing they
hadn’t thought it through


all they had was force
applied over time — exhausting


implacable hardness
just can’t keep up


new life casts off
once helpful scabs


yes hardness was once
a lesser evil


but consolidation of lesser harms
escalates back into great loss


to reduce the lesser further
requires greater care of the young


so prophets talk crazy talk
careening through time


bring everyone together
affirm our common need


protecting class status quo
guarantees further woe


cast that demon out
through each healing


until a blessing way
is our blessed way






moving on

I believe!
sounds so convincing
I believe.
seems so reasonable
I believe?
is much closer

living as if . . . were true?
acknowledges lived experience
living as if . . . were true.
keeps us persistent
living as if . . . were true!
brings moments of transformation

like two roads in a wood
choosing is the stuff of life
focusing on what can be seen
appreciating straight lines
witnessing to what is not yet
picking carefully a next step

I believe!
I believe.
I believe?
