Pentecost +16 C

a motley crew

what a motley crew assembles
around a dynamic person
when folk are seen
for who they are
they gather
in abiding hope

powerful people
make gracious hosts
for unexpected guests
seeming to manufacture
more something out of nothing
even from absence beyond nothing

sometimes something is food
and sometimes food beyond food
a healing in and out of time
folks are free to wander away
and be rejoiced over
at every small and large return

poor plans can be improved
beginning intentions strengthened
fears reduced
hopes bolstered
relationships mended
mercy extended

and so Jesus and Jeremiah
Psalmist and Paul and You
and even I
are birthed to new life
nurtured to a next stage
harvesting joy along the way

what a motley crew assembles
in bible, imagination, and here
seeing beyond our differences
of caste and class and past
to what we may yet become
each and all together

for those who wander
and return to wander again
for those who steady
and risk their place
settle in to one another
rest and rise